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Glossaurus - "Redocumentarization"

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Redocumentarization   (French Equivalent: Redocumentarisation)

DefinitionIn order to define redocumentarization, one must first agree with the definition of "documentarization." To documentarize is no more than to "treat a document" as would do, or traditionally have done, professionals of documentation (documentalist, archivists): to catalogue, to index, to summarize, to cut up, to strengthen, etc. [...] The purpose of documentarizing is to optimize the use of a document through better access to its content and through better contextualization. Citing Manuel Zacklad, one could consider redocumentarizing as documentarizing anew a document or collection by allowing a user to rearticulate the semiotic contents according to his or her interpretation and usage, whether internally (e.g. extracting musical pieces for remix, annotating a book in the margins...) or externally (e.g. organizing a collection, an archive, or a private catalogue, by combining resources from different editors according to a new logic). In Éléments théoriques pour l’étude des pratiques grand public de la documentarisation : réseaux et communautés d’imaginaire, 2007.

Broader Term ↑Documentation
Related Terms ↔Reinterpretation
Documentation Map Model * DMM