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Glossaurus - Hierarchy

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       • Accessioning (Documentation Committee)
       • Acquisition (museum-related environment)
       • Cataloging
       • Conservation (artistic environment)
              • Artistic intent
              • Digital preservation
              • Static preservation
              • Strategy
                     • Compression
                            • Lossless compression
                            • Lossy compression
                     • Dubbing (audiovisual environment)
                     • Emulation
                            • Hardware-for-hardware
                            • Software-for-hardware
                            • Software-for-software
                     • Intervention
                     • Migration
                     • Mirroring
                     • Preventive conservation
                     • Refreshing (archival environment)
                     • Reinterpretation
                     • Restoration
                            • Digital archaeology
                     • Storage
                     • Reconstruction
       • Creation
              • Appropriation
              • Binaural recording
              • Copyleft
              • Copyright
              • Design
              • Dubbing (audiovisual environment)
              • Implementation
              • Iterative design
              • Key frame (computing environment)
              • Overlay
              • Prototype
              • System Design
              • Expression (Documentation Committee)
              • Manifestation (Documentation Committee)
              • Work (Documentation Committee)
              • Iteration (Documentation Committee)
       • Curation (museum-related environment)
              • Custodial problem
              • Digital curation
       • Dissemination
              • Display
              • Exhibition
                     • Installation (Documentation Committee)
                     • Deinstallation (Documentation Committee)
              • Production
              • Mediation
       • Documentation
              • Capturing
              • Conservation report
              • Documentation Map Model * DMM
              • Granularity (Documentation Committee)
              • Redocumentarization
       • Preservation
       • Conception
       • Custody (Documentation Committee)
       • Corporate body
              • Preservation Metadata Implementation Strategy * PREMIS
       • Occupation
              • Co-author
              • Collaborator
              • Conservator (artistic environment)
              • Curator (museum-related environment)
              • Technologist
       • Animation
       • Anti-art
       • Artistic research and development
       • Artwork
              • Intangible cultural heritage
              • Nested-works
              • Networked artwork
              • Occurrence
              • Ternary work
                     • Designed work
                     • Implemented work
                     • Perceived work
       • Choreography
       • Conceptual art
       • Digital art
              • Digital sculpture
       • Generative art
       • Happening
       • Holography
       • Installation
              • Video installation
                     • Trap device
                     • Video sculpture
       • Installation art
       • Kinetic art
       • Online art
              • Browser art
              • Internet art
       • Performance
       • Software art
       • Sound art
       • Telematic art
       • Time-based work
       • Video art
       • Media art
       • Attributes & properties
              • Accessibility (archival environment)
              • Authenticity
              • Compatibility (computing environment)
              • Compiled
              • Dispersion (computing environment)
              • Dynamic (variable media environment)
              • Encapsulated
              • Fixity
              • Integrity (computing environment)
              • Interactivity (computing environment)
              • Interoperability (computing environment)
              • Malleability
              • Stand-alone
              • Variability
       • Malfunction
              • Obsolescence
              • Aberration
              • Aliasing
              • Artifact (audiovisual environment)
              • Blanking interval
              • Cross-colour
              • Degeneration
              • Demagnetization
              • Dispersion (optical environment)
              • Distortion
              • Glitch (computing environment)
              • Glitch (electronic environment)
              • Irrelevance
              • Pixelation
              • Translation problem
       • Storage carrier
              • Database
              • Replica
                     • Bitstream duplicate
                     • Clone
                     • Digital copy
                     • Intermediate
                            • Internegative
                            • Interpositive
                     • Exhibition copy
                     • Master
                     • Reference print
                     • Release print
                     • Dubmaster
              • Digital video
              • Videotape
              • Laser disc
              • Negative
              • Positive
              • World Wide Web * WWW
              • Blog post
              • Sound tape
       • Information object
              • Archives (archival environment)
              • Artifact (museum-related environment)
              • Avatar
              • Tag
              • Metadata
              • Artifact (museum-related environment)
              • Item (Documentation Committee)
       • Tool and technology
              • Analog
              • Artificial life
              • Constant Angular Velocity format * CAV format
              • Chat (computing environment)
              • Chrominance
              • Computer-mediated communication * CMC
              • Composite signal
              • Constant bit rate
              • Dynamic HyperText Markup Language * DHTML
              • Digibeta
              • Digital Light Processing * DLP (computing environment)
              • Digital Linear Tape * DLT (computing environment)
              • File Transfer Protocol * FTP
              • Gnu's Not Unix * GNU
              • Locative media
              • Luminance
              • Metadata Encoding and Transmission Standard * METS
              • Mud Object Oriented * MOO
              • Mosaic
              • Multi-User Dungeons * MUD
              • Netcast
              • New media (artistic environment)
              • Streaming
              • S-video (computing environment)
              • Telematic
              • Telerobotic
              • Unstable media
              • Virtual reality
              • Visual programming environment
              • Virtual Reality Modeling Language * VRML
              • Web 2.0
              • Workshop
              • Single-channel videotape
       • Equipment
              • Authoring program
              • Bandwidth
              • Browser (computing environment)
              • Cluster (computing environment)
              • Code
              • Computer-for-art
              • Control Program for Microcomputers * CP/M
              • Cathode Ray Tube * CRT (computing environment)
              • Cascading Style Sheet * CSS
              • Cue point
              • Display (computing environment)
                     • Raster
                     • Skin (computing environment)
              • Format
                     • Native format (computing environment)
                     • Proprietary format
              • Free software
              • Generator
              • Go-to
              • Hinting
              • Hypermedia
              • Hypertext
              • Interface
                     • Command line interface
                     • Graphical User Interface * GUI
              • Library (computing environment)
              • Machine code
              • Main memory (computing environment)
              • Network protocol
              • Object code
              • Object oriented
              • Open source
              • Patch
              • Plug-in
              • Script (computing environment)
              • Software
              • Source code (computing environment)
              • Webring
       • Behaviour (variable media environment)
              • Contained
              • Duplicated
              • Encoded
              • Installed (artistic environment)
              • Interactive
              • Performed
              • Reproduced
       • Concept
              • Heart of artwork
              • Immersion
              • Integrity (artistic environment)
              • Relational aesthetics
       • Interaction
              • Multi-user
              • User number
       • Sensory mode
              • Auditory
                     • Reverberation
                     • Sound spatialization
                     • Stereophony
              • Haptic
              • Visual
                     • Appearance
                     • Augmented reality
                     • Granularity (optical environment)
                     • Interference pattern (computing environment)
                     • resampling
       • Spatial Mode
       • Temporal mode
              • Real time
              • Synchronization
       • Reception
              • Usability