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Glossaurus - "Metadata Encoding and Transmission Standard * METS"

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Metadata Encoding and Transmission Standard * METS   (French Equivalent: Norme de codage et de transmission de métadonnées * METS)

DefinitionMETS is a standard for encoding descriptive, administrative, and structural metadata about digital library objects and the complex links between these types of metadata within a repository. It does so by providing an XML document format for encoding metadata necessary for both management of digital library objects within a repository and exchange of such objects between repositories (or between repositories and their users). METS is being developed as an initiative of the Digital Library Federation (DLF) and is being maintained in the Network Development and MARC Standards Office of the Library of Congress.

Alternate Term =METS
Broader Term ↑Tool and technology
Related Terms ↔Metadata
File Transfer Protocol * FTP
Integrity (computing environment)