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Data sheet (Document):

Book from Symposium: Performance Documentation and Preservation in an Online Environment

Complete bibliography
Performance Documentation and Preservation in an Online Environment. Performing Arts Resources: Theatre Library Association Symposium, 2004.
Type of document
Participation method
2- Documentation of media art

Observer: Raphaëlle Aubin

Published by the Theatre Library Association, this book seeks to make avaiable reference materials and research to scholars, curators, and staffs of performing arts and general readership libraries. The Performance Documentation and Preservation in an Online Environment Symposium was held in the Fall of 2003 and includes, amongst others, the following authors and essays:
- Catherine Owen "What Happens when the Money Runs Out? - Librarians and the Digital Resources Challenge"
- Jon Ippolito "Accommodating the Unpredictable: The Variable Media Questionnaire"
- Jon Ippolito "Digital Performance: Damnation or Salvation?"
- Howard Besser "Longevity of Electronic Art"
- Richard Rinehart "Documenting the Avant Garde: Documenting and Preserving Variable Media Art"
- Hugh Denard "Performing the Past: The Virtual Revolution in Performance History"
- Ann Doyle " Where is There?: Multi-site Performance Events and the Opportunities and Challenges They Create"


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