DOCAM (en) > Techwatch

Data sheet (Research project):

Images for the future: saving the audio-visual heritage

Title of research project
Images for the future
Location of research project
Participation method
1- Conservation of media art

Observer: Julie Bourbonnais

In the project Images for the Future, six organizations take on the preservation of an important part of the audiovisual heritage of the Netherlands through conservation and digitization. The project has a running time of seven years, and gave itself the mandate to come up with innovative solutions to the problems linked to the continuously changing forms of presentation and distribution of media. It also has a research department focused entirely on future technologies, in order to foresee what is yet to come next.

Images for the Future is run by the Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision (Sound and Vision), the Netherlands Filmmuseum Foundation (FM), the National Archive (NA), Centrale Discotheek Rotterdam (CDR), the Association of Public Libraries (VOB) and the Netherlands Knowledgeland Foundation (KL). The digitized material will be made available for educational purposes and will be open to a broadest public as possible.

(source: Images for the future website)


Images for the future website
[Online] (Consulted on January 29, 2009)

Sandin Image Processor
Sandin Image Processor