Documents |
Charte de l'UNESCO sur la conservation du patrimoine numérique | 2009-04-29 |
New Media in the White Cube and Beyond | 2009-03-18 |
Voice of the Shuttle (VoS): Online database of web resources | 2009-03-16 |
Art Numériques : Tendances Artistes Lieux et Festivals | 2009-03-15 |
Réflexions sur la pratique de la restauration contemporaine | 2009-03-15 |
Web-based art platform - TESTCARD by PROJECKT | 2009-03-04 |
CUREDITING: essais sur la conservation du Net Art | 2009-02-15 |
CRUMB : ressource en ligne pour la mise en exposition des œuvres médiatiques | 2009-02-10 |
White Heat Cold Logic : British Computer Art 1960-1980 | 2009-02-05 |
National Film Board of Canada : new Online screening room | 2009-01-27 |
PoWR: The Preservation of Web Ressources Handbook | 2008-12-18 |
Lawrence Liang's Guide to Open Content Licenses | 2008-12-17 |
The Expanding Medium: The Future of Computer Art | 2008-11-21 |
Acquisition d’œuvres d’art médiatique : les « meilleures pratiques » - Site Internet « Media Matters » | 2008-09-25 |
Propriété intellectuelle et musées : guide de gestion - « Wipo Guide on Managing Intellectual Property for Museums » par Rina Elster Pantalony | 2008-09-25 |
Propriété intellectuelle et art numérique: « Bien fixer les éléments d’information : l’art numérique et la propriété intellectuelle » | 2008-09-25 |
« Loi sur le droit d’auteur » et musées – Site Internet du Ministère de la Justice, Canada | 2008-09-25 |
Ethnographic Methods and New Media Preservation | 2008-04-10 |
Empyre Soft_skinned_space | 2008-04-06 |
Folkstreams' practical guides to film digitization and preservation | 2008-04-02 |
Le Net art peut-il sortir du Net? | 2008-03-05 |
Emulation for Digital Preservation in Practice: The Results | 2008-03-01 |
Digital Curation Manual: Best Practices for the Creation, Management and Preservation of Digital Information | 2008-02-24 |
Net Art Idea Line | 2008-02-20 |
Tate Papers, Autumn 2007, Issue 8: Inherent Vice: The Replica and its Implications in Modern Sculpture | 2008-02-11 |
Authenticity, Change and Loss in the Conservation of Time-Based Media Installations | 2008-02-11 |
Database Aesthetics, Art in the Age of Information Overflow | 2008-02-08 |
Video Preservation Website | 2008-02-07 |
Digital Artists Handbook | 2008-02-05 |
NewArtTv | 2008-02-05 |
IMAP Obsolete Equipement Survey | 2008-02-04 |
Echoes of Art: Emulation As a Preservation Strategy | 2008-02-01 |
Curating New Media | 2008-01-22 |
An Agency-oriented Approach to Digital Curation Theory and Practice | 2007-10-29 |
Online bibliography on the Conservation of Modern and Contemporary Art (The International Network for the Conservation of Contemporary Art - INCCA) | 2007-09-17 |
CRUMB : Curatorial Resource for Upstart Media Bliss | 2007-06-14 |
Book from Symposium: Performance Documentation and Preservation in an Online Environment | 2007-05-22 |
Essai: 'The Myth of Immateriality' par Christiane Paul - ouvrage collectif "MediaArtHistories" | 2007-05-11 |
Media Art Net 1 - "Form follows format: Tensions, Museums, Media Technology, and Media Art" by Rudolf Frieling | 2007-05-03 |
L'art numérique et la propriété intellectuelle (RCIP) - Document Web / Intellectual property and digital art (CHIN) - Web document | 2007-04-09 |
Catalogue - 9 Evenings Reconsidered: art, theatre and engineering, 1966 | 2007-04-01 |
Net art et musée ; une présentation des stratégies de métissage - Article "Internet au musée : Les tensions d'une exposition concertée" (Fourmentraux) | 2007-03-27 | | 2007-03-27 |
Le catalogue de l'exposition "Beyond Cinema: The Art of Projection. Films, Videos and Installations from 1963 to 2005" | 2007-03-26 |
Une proposition d'amendement pour la Digital Millenium Copyright Act des États-Unis | 2007-03-26 |
Documenting variable media art and digital resources: FRBR meets the Variable Media Questionnaire - Article "Cryogenics and Creativity: The Frankenstein Factor in Cultural Preservation" (Maitland & Hall) | 2007-02-12 |
"EAI Online Resource Guide for Exhibiting, Collecting & Preserving Media Art" - Website | 2007-01-31 |
Préservation et présentation d'installations / Preservation and presentation of installation art - Site Web "Case study: Bruce Nauman" (Tate Gallery) | 2006-02-27 |
La préservation des objets multimédias - Article "Implementing preservation strategies for complex multimedia objects" (Sharmin & Hunter) | 2005-11-24 |
Cataloguer les ressources électroniques - Site Web "IMAP Cataloging Project" (IMAP - Independent Media Arts Preservation) | 2005-11-24 |
La Variable Media Initiative et le concept de média variable - Article "The Museum of the future: a contradiction in terms?" (Ippolito) | 2005-11-24 |
Recréer des œuvres utilisant des technologies désuètes: Article "Est-ce le matériel qui dicte le sens?" (Jones) | 2005-11-24 |
L’évolution historique du web art - Article "A Net art idea line" (Wattenberg) | 2005-11-24 |
Emprunt et prêt d’œuvres d’art contemporain : les « meilleures pratiques » - Site Web "Media Matters" | 2005-11-24 |
Réflexions sur la préservation de l’art numérique - Article "Collecting and Preserving Digital Media Art Works for the Next Century" (Rinehart) | 2005-11-24 |
Recherches doctorales sur les défis de conservation - Thèse de Rita Macedo | 2005-11-24 |
Vue historique des technologies utilisées en musique électronique - Site Web "The Big Time Line" (Electronic Music Foundation) | 2005-11-24 |
L’art et les technologies de télécommunication - Site Web "Open Source Telematics Timeline" | 2005-11-24 |
METS : un schéma pour les enregistrements catalographiques - Article "METS: Metadata Encoding and Transmission Standard" (Garner) | 2005-11-24 |
"Present Continuous Past(s): Media Art. Strategies of Presentation, Mediation and Dissemination" - Anthology | 2005-11-24 |
A historical perspective of the technology used in electronic music - Website "The Big Time Line" (Electronic Music Foundation) | 2005-11-24 |
Re-creating works that use obsolete technologies - Article “Does Hardware Dictate Meaning?" (Jones) | 2005-11-24 |
Media Art Notation System: a new approach to conceptualizing media art - Article "A System of Formal Notation for Scoring Works of Digital and Variable Art” (Rinehart) | 2005-11-24 |
Events |
Grégory Chatonsky : Flußgeist ou la fragilité des flux | 2009-03-21 |
[Propulse]ART : création, diffusion et conservation | 2009-03-05 |
Regarder 24 Hour Psycho chez Dazibao | 2009-03-04 |
Enter Action Digital Art Now: Exhibiting | 2009-03-03 |
New Music Concert Series by David Ogborn | 2009-02-24 |
Artists' Web Projects at Dia Art foundation | 2009-02-10 |
Congrès annuel 2009 de l’American Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works (AIC) : Conservation 2.0 — New Directions | 2009-02-10 |
Un système architecturé d'archive dans l'archive | 2009-02-09 |
Oeuvres vidéo de Christian Marclay au DHC/ART | 2009-02-07 |
Light in Sight and Open Space 2008 at ICC | 2008-12-17 |
1er Colloque International Figures de l'Interactivité | 2008-11-11 |
Marswalkers et Anne Laforet à Upgrade!Paris | 2008-04-04 |
Digital Chile_08 | 2008-03-19 |
A response to “Review of “IA25: Mapping a Practice of Media Art” Exhibit” | 2008-03-09 |
Review of "IA25: Mapping A Practice of Media Art" Exhibit | 2008-03-05 |
reactions to re-enactments | 2008-03-02 |
19 March 2008 at the ICA: Hi tech, Low tech: Technology in Art + Curating | 2008-02-19 |
Test_Lab: Multi_modal (Feb-21-2008, Rotterdam, NL + Live streaming) | 2008-02-19 |
Digital Futures: from digitization to delivery (7th - 11th April 2008, London, UK) | 2008-02-14 |
Alexis O'Hara's "The Sorrow Sponge" at Performing Proximities Minifestival | 2008-02-13 |
Rose Goldsen Archive of New Media Art's Inaugural Workshop: New Media Art and Archival Ambitions (Ithaca, NY, 02-08-2008) | 2008-02-05 |
Annual Seminar "Du réel au virtuel" | 2008-01-31 |
Exhibition: We Interrupt Your Program (Art Museum at Mills College, Oakland, CA) | 2008-01-28 |
Documenting new media art / CRUMB professional development workshop with Caitlin Jones (Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, 03-05-2008) | 2008-01-24 |
Conference: Object in Transition (Getty Center, L.A., Jan. 25-26 2008) | 2007-11-16 |
Journée d’études : Les enjeux de la conservation des oeuvres fragiles, éphémères et virtuelles (Montréal - UQÀM, 23 novembre 2007) | 2007-11-16 |
New Media: Who, What, Where, When and Why - Five-part exhibition (Neuberger Museum of Art, 2004 - 2008) | 2007-04-11 |
Documentation & live art practices - Convivencia: Symposium (Preston, England, February 3 2007) | 2007-03-31 |
Live Art Documentation: Responsibility of the artist? - The National Review of Live Art - Roundtable (Glasgow, Scotland, February 9 2007) | 2007-03-31 |
Conference: Musical Myopia, Digital Dystopia: New Media and Copyright Reform (Montreal, Canada, March 23 2007) | 2007-03-26 |
Exposition Enthusiasm: La propriété vs la conservation - analyse inspirée de l'oeuvre de Neil Cummings et Marysia Lewandowska (Montréal, Canada, 9 février - 1 avril 2007) | 2007-03-25 |
Exposition rétrospective sur le département de Media Study de la State University of New York à Buffalo (Karlsruhe, Allemagne, 16 décembre 2006 - 25 mars 2007) | 2007-03-16 |
Symposium: New Media & Social Memory "Archiving the Avant-garde" - video presentations and documents online (Berkeley, United States, January 18 2007) | 2007-03-12 |
Webcast: Final "Inside Installations" Seminar - video presentations available online (London, England, March 22 2007) | 2007-03-08 |
L'exposition "Art Metropole. Le top 100" au Musée des beaux-arts du Canada (Ottawa, Canada, 1 déc. 2006 - 1 avril 2007) | 2007-03-04 |!)LINKreSources, une exposi- tion de la TAGallery (16 février 2007 - présent) | 2007-02-28 |
Conférence REFRESH! et la documentation des arts médiatiques - présentation vidéos et documents en ligne (Banff, Canada, 28 sept - 3 oct. 2005) | 2005-11-24 |
ICHIM 05: Numérisation du patrimoine et émergence des cultures numériques (Paris, France, 21-23 sept. 2005) | 2005-11-24 |
Colloque: Préservation et diffusion du patrimoine scientifique et technologique au Canada (Ottawa, Canada, 29 sept. - 2 oct. 2005) | 2005-11-24 |
Un panel sur la préservation numérique dans les institutions culturelles (Philadelphie, États-Unis, 28 oct. 2005) | 2005-11-24 |
MCN’s 33rd Annual Conference : Une conférence attendue! (Boston, États-Unis, 3-5 novembre 2005) | 2005-11-24 |
Un séminaire sur la documentation des installations (Karlsruhe, Allemagne, 1 décembre 2005) | 2005-11-24 |
Conference: The preservation and sharing of Canada’s scientific and technological heritage (Ottawa, Canada, Sept 29 - Oct. 2 2005) | 2005-11-24 |
Exhibition "Seeing Double" on the emulation and preservation of contemporary art (New York, United States, March 19 - May 16 2004) | 2005-11-24 |