DOCAM (fr) > Veille thématique

Fiche de veille (Document) :

"Present Continuous Past(s): Media Art. Strategies of Presentation, Mediation and Dissemination" - Anthology

Information bibliographique complète
Frohne, U.; Schieren, M.; Guiton, J.-F. "Present Continuous Past(s): Media Art. Strategies of Presentation, Mediation and Dissemination". New York: SpringerWienNewYork, 2005. 225 pp.
Type de document
Mode de participation
1- Conservation des arts médiatiques

Veilleur : Mélanie Avice

This anthology, published in September 2005, presents a collection of texts by a number of authors on one or more media art themes, such as theoretical reflections on the reproducibility and preservation of authenticity of a work and the legal implications of emulation techniques; archiving practices; and access to works of media art. The following texts may be useful for DOCAM research on preservation and documentation: Media Storage: on Documenting and Archiving Media Art (Schieren, Mona); Capturing Unstable Media Arts: a formal model for describing and preserving aspects of electronic media art (Fauconnier, Sandra; Frommé, Rens); and Approaches to a Curatorial Practice in the Age of the Non-Reproducible Work of Art: On Re-Presentation of Video Installations (Christ, Hans D., Dressler, Iris).

Liens :
Section of SpringerWienNewYork Web site on the anthology Present Continuous Past(s): Media Art. Strategies of Presentation, Mediation and Dissemination [On-line] (Page consulted August 30, 2005)

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