Fiche de veille (Document) :
Echoes of Art: Emulation As a Preservation Strategy | |
Information bibliographique complète Cory Arcangel, Tilman Baumgaertel, Isaac Dimitrovsky, Mary Flanagan, Roberta Friedman, Joan Heemskerk, Francis Hwang, Jon Ippolito, Caitlin Jones, Pip Laurenson, Christiane Paul, Jeff Rothenberg, John F. Simon, Jr.,Jill Sterrett, Carol Stringari, Grahame Weinbren. "Echoes of Art: Emulation As a Preservation Strategy", Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York City, May 8, 2004. | |
URL | |
Type de document Actes |
Mode de participation Mention |
Thématique 6- Pratiques des musées et œuvres à composantes technologiques | |
Veilleur : Natacha Clitandre | |
Echoes of Art was a symposium offered in conjunction with the exhibition, "Seeing Double: Emulation in Theory and Practice" (May, 2004). The morning session, "Magic Bullet or Shot in the Dark? Emulation As Preservation Strategy" focused on the elaborate process required to emulate The Erl King (1982-85) by Grahame Weinbren and Roberta Friedman. This case study served as a point of departure for examining such questions as how the technique of emulation can be applied to software, hardware, or ephemeral materials; the relationship between original hardware and meaning; and the changing roles of the artist and the institituion in relationship to the preservation of contemporary art. JET SET WILLY VARIATIONS - Performance by (Joan Heemskerk) The afternoon session, "Generation Emulation: Games, Art, and Technological Nostalgia" took a broader look at the impact of emulation culture. Participants compared the strategies available to artists for resurrecting obsolete technologies and analyzed the Seeing Double survey for signs of consensus from the experts and the lay public on the success of emulation. Participants examined the retro-movements motivating emulation among players of computer games and the importance of a decentralized and deinstitutionalized process for the preservation of digital culture. This symposium was made possible by the support of the National Endowment for the Arts.Additional support was provided by the Daniel Langlois Foundation for Art, Science, and Technology. Participants were: - Cory Arcangel, artist, New York - Tilman Baumgaertel, writer and critic, Berlin - Isaac Dimitrovsky, programmer, New York - Mary Flanagan, artist, New York - Roberta Friedman, artist, New York - Joan Heemskerk, artist, The Netherlands - Francis Hwang, artist and Director of Technology,, New York - Jon Ippolito, Associate Curator of Media Arts, Guggenheim and artist, Still Water for networked art and culture, University of Maine - Caitlin Jones, Project Research Assistant , Guggenheim - Pip Laurenson, Sculpture Conservator for Electronic Media and Kinetic Arts, Tate Gallery, London - Christiane Paul, Adjunct Curator of New Media Arts, Whitney Museum of American Art - Jeff Rothenberg, computer scientist, RAND - John F. Simon, Jr., artist, New York - Jill Sterrett, Head of Conservation, San Francisco Museum of Modern Art - Carol Stringari, Senior Conservator for Exhibitions, Guggenheim - Grahame Weinbren, artist, New York Source: | |
Liens : Echoes of Art: Emulation As a Preservation Strategy [Online] (Page consulted February 1st, 2008) |