DOCAM (fr) > Veille thématique

Fiche de veille (Document) :

Authenticity, Change and Loss in the Conservation of Time-Based Media Installations

Information bibliographique complète
"Authenticity, Change and Loss in the Conservation of Time-Based Media Installations" in Tate Papers, Issue 6, Autumn 2006, ISSN 1753-9854
Type de document
Mode de participation
1- Conservation des arts médiatiques

Veilleur : Natacha Clitandre

This paper focuses on questions about authenticity, change and loss in relation to time-based media installations.
The term time-based media refers to works that incorporate a video, slide, film, audio or computer based element. Time-based media installations involve a media element that is rendered within a defined space and in a way that has been specified by the artist. Part of what it means to experience these works is to experience their unfolding over time according to the temporal logic of the medium as it is played back. As we shall see, the fact that these works are installations has perhaps a greater impact on the development of a conceptual framework for their conservation than the fact that they involve time-based media.


Liens :

Authenticity, Change and Loss in the Conservation of Time-Based Media Installations
[Online] (Page consulted February 13, 2008)

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