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Fiche de veille (Document) :

PoWR: The Preservation of Web Ressources Handbook

Information bibliographique complète
Kelly, Brian. "PoWR: The Preservation of Web Ressources Handbook", December 2008 (version 1.0), In [On line] (Page consulted on December 18th 2008)
Type de document
Mode de participation
1- Conservation des arts médiatiques

Veilleur : Julie Bourbonnais

Following the JISC-PoWR project initiative, a handbook has been published to address the challenges of digital preservation for the web management community.
Amongst the topics covered in the publication are the key issues of prioritising what to keep, how to keep it, how to provide sustainable access for the future, and the consequences of preservation decisions. Also and most notably, a whole chapter of the handbook is dedicated to Web 2.0 and the challenges of preservation associated with it. Following the workshops and conference presentations done within the PoWR project, the handbook is complemented with case studies which illustrate common problems and suggest courses of action.
The PoWR Preservation of Web Ressources Handbook is now in its first version (1.0), and is expected to evolve in parallel to the pratical experience of its use.

(Sources: JISC website, UKOLN website, JISC-PoWR project blog)

Liens :

JISC (Joint Information Systems Committee) website
[Online] (consulted on December 18th 2008)

UKOLN, University of Bath, UK website
[Online] (consulted on December 18th 2008)

JISC-PoWR project blog
[Online] (consulted on December 18th 2008)

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