DOCAM (fr) > Veille thématique

Fiche de veille (Événement) :

Rose Goldsen Archive of New Media Art's Inaugural Workshop: New Media Art and Archival Ambitions (Ithaca, NY, 02-08-2008)

Titre de l'événement
New Media Art and Archival Ambitions
Date de début
Date de fin
Lieu de l'événement
Carl A. Kroch Library, Lecture Room, 2B48, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, USA
Type d'événement
Mode de participation
2- Documentation des arts médiatiques

Veilleur : Natacha Clitandre

Inaugural Workshop: New Media Art and Archival Ambitions
Friday, February 8, 2008
Carl A. Kroch Library, Lecture Rom, 2B48
Cornell University

A Workshop to inaugurate the Rose Goldsen Archive of New Media Art and its website:

The Rose Goldsen Archive of New Media Art serves as a research repository of new media art and resources, featuring digital interfaces and artistic experimentation by international, independent artists. Designed as an experimental center of research and creativity, the Goldsen Archive includes materials by individual artists and collaborates on conceptual experimentation and archival strategies with international curatorial and fellowship projects.

10:00 Welcoming Remarks

Timothy Murray, Curator, Rose Goldsen Archive; Professor of Comparative Literature & English
Anne Kenney, Acting University Librarian
Brett de Bary, Director of The Society for the Humanities
Elaine Engst, University Archivist

10:15-11:45 Archival Ambitions
Moderator, Renate Ferro, Department of Art, Goldsen Advisory Board

H. Thomas Hickerson, Vice-Provost and University Librarian, University of Calgary
Sherry Miller Hocking, Assistant Director, Experimental TV Center, Owego, NY
Lucila Moctezuma, Media Arts Fellowship Director, Renew Media, New York City

1:45-3:30 New Media Art Practices
Moderator, Maria Fernandez, Department of Art History & Visual Studies

John Conomos, Senior Lecturer, Sydney College of the Arts, University of Sydney, Australia
Annette Barbier, Chair, Department of Interactive Arts and Media, Columbia College, Chicago Kevin McCoy, Associate Professor of Art, New York University

3:45-4:30 Overview of the Rose Goldsen Archive
Timothy Murray and Mickey Casad, Curators, Rose Goldsen Archive

4:30-6:00 Public Reception

Source: Norma, mémoires des arts & médias variables

Liens :

Rose Goldsen Archive of New Media Art
Norma, mémoires des arts & médias variables

[Online] (Pages consulted February 5, 2008)

Sandin Image Processor
Sandin Image Processor