Home ANNUAL SUMMITS 2005 Summit The V2 Thesaurus: A Terminological tool for media arts

The V2 Thesaurus: A Terminological tool for media arts

Day 1, Group 3

Sandra Fauconnier, V2, Institute for the Unstable Media, Rotterdam

How does one register, record, store and archive information related to the preservation of media art? Which principles, systems and tools in the field of information architecture can enhance the easy storage and retrieval of such data in digital form? Various applications of taxonomies – or classification systems – may provide state-of-the-art instruments here...
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... Research done by the archive team of V2, Institute for the Unstable Media in Rotterdam, the Netherlands, deals precisely with the development of such taxonomies. V2_ maintains an extensive thesaurus (hierarchical keyword list) on electronic art and is currently working on an ontology for its documentation archive. What is the precise use and function of thesauri and ontologies, what are challenges and pitfalls in their development and how can they improve the storage and findability of relevant information?

Sandra Fauconnier obtained a BA in architecture in 1994 and an MA in art history at Ghent University, Belgium, in 1997, with a dissertation about “Web-specific art: the World Wide Web as an artistic medium”. She has published and lectured frequently on the subject of Internet art and media art. From 1997 to 2000 she worked as a web designer, webmistress, educator and educational technologist at the Teacher Training Department, Ghent University, Belgium. In February 2000 she started working as media archivist at V2_Organisation in Rotterdam, where she develops a metadata system for V2_’s archive, initiated a thesaurus on media art, works with a team of developers on V2_’s website and is involved in various research projects related to copyright and the preservation of electronic art.