Fiche de veille (Événement) :
Conference: The preservation and sharing of Canada’s scientific and technological heritage (Ottawa, Canada, Sept 29 - Oct. 2 2005) | |
Titre de l'événement XIVth Conference of Canadian Science and Technology | |
Date de début 2004-09-29 |
Date de fin 2004-10-02 |
Lieu de l'événement Canada Science and Technology Museum, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada | |
Type d'événement Colloque |
Mode de participation Mention |
Thématique 1- Conservation des arts médiatiques | |
Veilleur : DOCAM | |
From September 29 to October 2, 2005, the XIV Conference of the Canadian Science and Technology Historical Association will be held at the Canada Science and Technology Museum in Ottawa. Of the subjects slated for study, the preservation and sharing of Canada’s scientific and technological heritage may provide information relative to DOCAM’s case studies in restoration and conservation. In particular, it would be interesting to participate in a round table discussion on the preservation of contemporary science and technology on Friday, September 30, and, on October 2, to hear the presentation by Sue Warren on the conservation approaches used by the Canada Science and Technology Museum. | |
Liens : Program - XIVth Conference of Canadian Science and Technology [On-line] Acrobat file (PDF). (Page consulted September 8, 2005) |