DOCAM (fr) > Veille thématique

Fiche de veille (Projet de recherche) :

Database of Virtual Art

Titre du projet de recherche
Database of Virtual Art
Lieu du projet de recherche
Mode de participation
2- Documentation des arts médiatiques

Veilleur : Raphaëlle Aubin

The online Database of Virtual Art seeks to document digital installation art. The database has been developed in cooperation with media artists, researchers and institutions. Documents include videos of the installations, documents around the artworks, technical data, photos of the displays, and bibliographical references. The web-based database allows individuals to post material themselves. The database contains content in both English and German.

The website also includes a listing of upcoming conferences, related to digital art.

Liens :

Database of Virtual Art
[Online] (Page consulted May 8, 2007)

Upcoming events/conferences related to digital art
[Online] (Page consulted May 8, 2007)

Sandin Image Processor
Sandin Image Processor