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Data sheet (Document):

Digital Art Museum: Artists, Essays & History

Complete bibliography
The Digital Art Museum [DAM] is a project of Gesellschaft der Kuenste -GdK- zur Foerderung der Synerngie von Kunst und Wirtschaft mbH
Type of document
Participation method

Observer: Raphaëlle Aubin

The Digital Art Museum is an online resource for the history and practice of digital fine art. The website offers access to:

- Artists: exhibits the work of leading artists in this field since 1956, including biographies, articles, a bibliography and interviews;

- Essays: includes a range of essays on digital fine art, some by the artists themselves, others by art theorists. The essays have been selected to give both an overview of the impact of computers on fine art practice, and also to illuminate individual genres and practices. Many of the essays are taken with permission from Leonardo;

- History: lists key events and technologies in date order, and an artists' timeline.


Digital Art Museum website
[Online] (Page consulted May 8, 2007)

Digital Art Museum: Artists presented
[Online] (Page consulted May 8, 2007)

Digital Art Museum: Selected essays
[Online] (Page consulted May 8, 2007)

Digital Art Museum: Artists" timeline
[Online] (Page consulted May 8, 2007)

Digital Art Museum: History - key events and technologies (1956-1998)
[Online] (Page consulted May 8, 2007)

Sandin Image Processor
Sandin Image Processor