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Data sheet (Research project):

EAI Online Resource Guide: A Central Point of Research Projects

Title of research project
EAI Online Resource Guide
Location of research project
Participation method
4- Cataloguing structures for works of media art

Observer: Sonja Brooks

The Electronic Arts Intermix (EAI) Online Resource Guide is a website dedicated to exhibition, collection, and preservation practices of Media Art. Of the three main grouping, three sub categorizations have been created: Single-Channel Video, Computer-Based Arts, and Installation. These categorization are further organized into the following headings: Introduction, Best Practices, Basic Questions, Planning Process, Condition Reports, Budget, Equip[ment] / Tech[nical] Issues, Interviews, Case Studies, and Articles. For the purposes regarding DOCAM, I will mainly reference the section regarding preservation practices. Open to media artists, technical support staff, and conservators, this source provides an open area for all to come and receive information and suggestions. However, it should be noted that the website acts more as an introduction and / or mediator regarding new media. Many links to research projects, networks, and national archives present a more centralized place from which one can find out how others are negotiating the same, or in the least, similar issues. (Examples of included links are the Variable Media Network and the Daniel Langlois Foundation.) In the section titled "Budget", not answers but questions are given. Questions specifically regarding the future financial needs of preserving new media arts. Included are questions of needed services (such as researchers, programmers, and conservators) that one, new to the field might not ask about and plan for at first. Also provided on the website are interviews with artists and conservators such as Chris Doyle and Francis Hwang. Access to case studies, such as "The Earl King", in PDF are easily available. PDFs of suggested condition reports geared towards assisting in specific preservation issues of media art additionally can be found. Though the EAI Online Resource Guide does not present itself as an ongoing research project, it does present the culmination of many various research initiatives in a centrally located website. Most importantly, EAI provide the collected information in a very straightforward and publicly accessible manner.


EAI Online Resource Guide [Online] (Page accessed on April 6, 2008)

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